Make sure you have connected and selected your USB stick with a minimum 2GB of free space, then click 'Make Startup Disk' Navigate to your source image and select 'Open'. Select the source CD/Image, click 'Other.' to browse for the file. Or run the following command in the terminal ( Ctrl+ Alt+ t): usb-creator-gtk Launch the Startup Disk Creator from the application menu/Dash:

If you are using Ubuntu you should have a program called 'Startup Disk Creator' installed that will enable you to create a Live USB from a CD or an ISO disk image e.g. UNetbootin - (Ubuntu, Windows & Mac OS).You will need a USB Stick/Flash Drive with a minimum 2GB of free space, if you do not already have one please see the links below: Options for creating a Live USB If you would instead like to create a Live CD/DVD view our article How To Create A Bootable Live CD/DVD.

Using a Bootable Live USB means that you don't need to burn a CD or DVD to do this, which is useful if you don't have any blank CDs or DVDs laying around or your computer doesn't have an optical drive.